Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ghosts, Goblins, and Cute Kids!

I had such a good time preparing "treat bags" for these kids. I had forgotten how much fun it was. I used to make them all the time when Molli, Morgan, and Maci were in grade school. But now I get to make them again because I had to mail a "treat" to Molli at Marshall, and Morgan, Dustin, Austin, and Sarah at UT. I also made one for Jim, Maci, and Tyler. I go to Mom's house in Fairplain to hand out candy with her. My friends bring their kids there, and the kids from GLBC come to see Mom. My cousin, Paula, came and handed out candy with us. We had such a good time! Maci, and friend Kaylee, were a little old for Trick-or-Treating, so they along with about five other girlfriends, went to the house of Emily's grandma, Jill "Giddy" Canter to hand out candy on the avenues. I know that they had a GREAT time because when these girls get together, they are a hoot!

Morgan and Samuel Pierson, children of one of my best friends, Melanie, showed up first for their loot. I can't believe how fast these kids are growing up. I remember Jim and I having these two in Preschool Church.
My Little Pony, Kensley. How adorable is she? I love to see her many expressions. Her father, Rob, works for the City, and her mother, CaSandra, has become a dear friend. They are such wonderful parents! Kensley is one fortunate little girl. I am so blessed that they have allowed me to share in their joy. Kensley gives me my "baby fix" every so often, and I love to shop for little girl things (brings back memories).
Ivy and Walker Shouldis are two very special youngsters. I babysit them from the time Ivy was two years old and Walker was a newborn. For a time, Walker even called me "Mommy". How sweet is that? Ivy has grown into such a fine young lady and Walker is all funny boy. Their mother, Christie, is one of my dearest friends, although we don't get to spend much time together at all anymore. These two entertained us most of the evening.

A group of kids from Dad and Moms Kenna neighborhood stopped by. Edwin Stover, Tory Scholl, Laine Stover, Ivy Shouldis, Walker Shouldis, and Tobias Scholl. Tory and Tobias' dad, Toby is in the picture also. I used to babysit Toby and his brothers what seems like not too awfully long ago. These kids also go to church with Mom and she just loves them.
Cousins Darby "the old woman" and Dane "the pirate" Petersen, along with the Pete's Hot Dogs mascot came next. The old woman had some good news, she had just won the Fairplain Elementary School spelling bee.
Congratulations Darby!

My brother Fred's grandson, Luke, came as the Incredible Hulk, although I thought he was the Green Giant (I only had girls and not a one of them ever wanted to be a super hero so I'm kindof lost on boy things). He got his treat bag and took one to his brother, Matthew, who had football practice and couldn't trick-or-treat. This little guy has the most gorgeous blue eyes.
After all the trick-or-treaters there was still alot of candy left, so Paula and I had to help get rid of some of it. It was so nice to get to see, and spend time with, these cuties. They are ALL so, so funny and fun to be around!
There were no TRICKS this night so the TREATS must have been OK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just to let you know you should add a picture of your most beautiful daughter's halloween costume even though you didnt actually take the pictures...i give you permission to use them on your web page