Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Tribute Ceremony

On 9/11 a tribute ceremony was held at the Ripley Wal-Mart to remember those who lost their life during that tragic attack.  The event included the RHS Chorus opening and closing, a raising of an American Flag containing the names of all 2,900 who lost their life on that day, speakers Mayor Carolyn Rader, Ripley Chief of Police Jim Fridley, and Mike Lewis who gave an account of what he experienced on 9/11.
Refreshments were served, along with a balloon release where people were given the opportunity to fill out a small card honoring someone and attaching it to the balloon. 

On 9/11/2001, I was working as a secretary at Gassaway Baptist Church.  There was a MOPS meeting going on at that time in the Jr. Church sanctuary.  Our girls were in school at Davis Elementary School.  Jim was at work at Toyota in Buffalo, WV.  I received a few phone calls at the church for the pastors and remember feeling as though something was going on.  The pastors were at a house watching the news.  I called Dad, who was at home in Kenna, and he told me what was happening as he watched it on TV.  I just know that I wanted my family close.  There was scheduled ball practice that evening for the girls.  Toyota sent Jim home from work, we kept the girls at home with us, and found comfort in being together and knowing that God WAS and IS in control.  It is a day that forever changed the United States of America.

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.  I Chronicles 16:11

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