Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome 2010!

Where did 2009 go?
The year was full of God's grace, mercy and love. Our family experienced a lot of changes. Molli and Tyler were married, Morgan was blessed to get to serve as a counselor, over the summer, at her favorite place on the face of this earth....Camp Cowen, Maci got her learners, I began a new job that I love, and Jim was pleased that Marshall University got a new football coach, and that he got to go and watch Marshall win the Little Ceasars Bowl in Michigan.
On a much sadder note, Fred and I spent quite a lot of time at various hospitals this year as Mom was bitten by a tick and became very ill the beginning of May. Just today, we finished moving her belongings out of her rented home because she is now a resident at a local nursing home. While I still cannot talk or write about this without my heart breaking and without tears, I do know how very blessed we are, and thankful I am, that she is still alive, knows who we are now, and that we are able to visit with her.
We don't know what 2010 holds, but I do know who holds me by the hand, loves me, and promises to never leave Savior who I am going to strive to be more like in 2010!
That is my New Years resolution plain and strive to be more like Jesus!

1 comment:

CaSandra said...

WELCOME BACK TO THE BLOG WORLD!!! Oh how I have missed you :)