Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guess What This is a Picture Of?

These are pictures of Maci using MY laptop. Yes, I finally have a laptop! My cousin Charlie has been answering all my questions about the new iPad. I have "needed" a laptop for a good while now (at least since Jim learned how to use the internet). The girls have Macs and LOVE them.
I have been toying with the idea of a laptop for a while now but didn't know what to get. And then with the introduction of the iPad, I was really confused. But, now I can blog, shop, update facebook, shop, twitter, and shop from anywhere in the house, and at any time since I don't have to wait for Jim to finish on the computer. I am going to use the laptop and continue to research the new iPad. Who knows what the future holds......iPhone (definately when it is time to upgrade), Macbook (maybe), iPad (maybe)....who knows? I just know that I definately need Charlie to keep me up to date. (And thanks for the use of the laptop!!!!!!!!!!)

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