Thursday, March 22, 2012


A Momma's heart can only take so much in a week's worth of time!
"The Long Awaited Envelope" came in the mail.  Maci, Jim, and I gazed at it for a while, not wanting to touch it for fear of the unknown.  Finally, we stood around the envelope, held hands, and Jim prayed that whatever news the letter held, we would accept it knowing that it was God's will.  Also, knowing that wherever God placed her....that was where He wanted her and we would accept whatever His plans were.  The tears were rolling as Maci tore open the envelope......
  and the letter revealed....
she's headed to West Liberty University in the Fall.  
Congratulations Maci!!

Then guess what was ready to be picked up at the high school.....
Maci's graduation announcements, cap and gown, memory book (guess that means that soon Ripley High School will be just a memory), senior necklace, and senior t-shirt.  
 I felt as though my heart had ached enough for one week. 
My emotions were running wild. 
But nope, guess what walks through the front door.....
This gorgeous thang in her Marshall University cap and gown.  
What is happening to our babies? 

What a week!
But, could I be anymore blessed by God?  
No, I don't think so. 
 Our girls have grown in to wonderful, beautiful inside and out, blessed, women of God.  
What more could a Momma's heart ask for........
absolutely nothing!

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