Saturday, August 27, 2011

Playing Catch Up

This summer has been very busy (as has been everyone else's also, I'm sure).  In addition to all the usual activity, the bank where I work recently went through a conversion and I have worked some 73+ hour weeks.  Jim, with the help of Vince and Elijah Riffe, has been installing a french drain.  This project also means gravel piled on the lawn, the deck torn up, wood and pipe laying around, the pool drained and ready to be permanently taken down (a new one next year in a different location), and the list goes on. 
But, this is life!

In the midst of living, events come and go that I don't want to forget, which is the reason for this blog.

So....this Summer......

Maci held her first official paying job.  She worked at Dairy Queen.  She didn't like it, thus reinforcing our reasons as to why our children must attend college.  Anyway, it was a great learning experience for her, and her Dad allowed her to quit after a few weeks (she really is a very busy girl with school).  I was able to get a picture of her with her first paycheck. 

 Maci attended her last Band Camp at Cedar Lakes.  We are aware that this year will be a lot of "lasts".

Maci at practice with Jason Painter, her instructor from Marshall University.

Maci handing off "a whistle" to the new second field commander, Katie Moore.

Jim celebrated his "46th" Birthday in July.

We got Morgan a "new to her" car over the summer.  How exciting!  
But, that means that when she returned to school she drove herself!  I can't believe that it is time for her to leave again.  She worked two jobs this summer (actually three if you count taking care of Mom as one).  She babysit for Ivy and Walker plus working, across the street, at Primitives for You.  She was also a big help to me here at home.  Here she is packed (and I mean packed in) ready to head to TN.

Her parking permit from UT.

Goodbye's are so, so hard!  But, I know that she is excited to get back to TN.

Walking away from the car means that she's going to leave.  Just can't walk away....

Maci is a Senior!  Wow, that is hard to believe.  This is the last "first day of school" picture that I will be taking of my children.  Sniff!  Sniff!  I have taken a "first day of school" picture for the last 17 years.  Jim and I know that this year will hold a lot of "lasts".  
Anyway, Maci's first year of 12th grade.  Wow!  I still can't believe she is a Senior.

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.  Isaiah 26:3

1 comment:

Molli said...

I feel very left out here....