Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Day

Easter morning, the bunny brought Easter bags for everyone. The girls peeking in their bags for goodies after showers on Sunday morning. Jim wearing his Marshall hat from the Easter bunny. Jim also got a golf net and a new Marshall mouse pad with the old Marco logo.
Isn't he just the cutest?
Morgan and Maci before church.
Molli and Tyler dressed for church.
How cute are they?
Sunday morning after the Easter gifts were opened, Jim, Morgan, Maci and I went to church with Mom. After church we ate lunch at my Aunt Janice and Uncle Pete's with the rest of the family. After the delicious meal it was time for the egg hunt. I scored $39 this year. I didn't beat Morgan though, she always brings in the big bucks. Then it was time to take Morgan back to Riverside to catch her ride back to UT. Thanks so much for the prayers for Jim and Morgan's traveling safety. It was so nice to have her home for Easter! I know that there will come a time when one of the girls won't be able to be here for a holiday, but I'm not ready for it yet.
It is such a blessing to celebrate the holidays with my Plain Grandma, Mom, my family, and the Petersen's and Koontz. I know that I'm so blessed!

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