Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just some rambling on and on.

I just wanted to let you know that I love my new job. I had some stress at my previous one, and the release of that stress has definitely been a good thing. I feel light and somewhat carefree! The Lord answered the prayers of myself, my family, and my friends with this new job.
I can't help but wonder what my Dad is thinking up there in Heaven. Probably....what have you done, did you not listen to me all those years? Those auditors are going to drive you crazy! Ha! I was told, during my first few days, never to shut the vault door before it was time to close for the day (because, in case you didn't know, there are timers on it and it CANNOT be opened by anyone until that time ticks away) and I chuckled to myself thinking......I have been told since before the time I could crawl, "Do Not Touch the Vault Door". To tell you the truth, it's going to be hard to shut it even at the end of the day when it is my job.
I love the work, the people, and I even get to see some of my customers from The City. Yeah! One in particular comes everyday.....and always comes to my window. Bless his heart, it is so nice to see him.
I have to get a schedule worked out though, my housework has kind of fallen by the wayside. But, I'm anxious to get a grip and decorate with my Americana decorations (I'll post pictures). Also, I had allowed someone to erode my worth at my last job, and this new job has done wonders to make me feel's never bad to have someone comment positively about your skills. I hope that I learned from that past experience to never allow someone to treat me like that again.
Morgan will be home in about one and a half weeks. CAN NOT WAIT! After about a month, she will begin working at Camp Cowen in Webster County. She will again be gone alot, but Maci spends a week there, and it is not nearly as far as a trip to TN to visit.
Molli is busy working, school, and planning a wedding. She and Tyler are in the process of purchasing their first home. How exciting! While I was training for this new job, I trained at Ravenswood, which is where Molli works, so she and I got to eat lunch together each day. I so much enjoyed that time with her. She is such a joy!
Maci is wrapping up her freshman year at RHS. She keeps Jim and I so young, keeps us up on all the cool things.
Tyler is busy all the time. He has been getting to hunt lately, and is working also. He is the life of the party when he is around.
Mom is doing well. She is working at the greenhouse with Barb. Fred is working at the Farmers Market in Charleston. This is a very, very busy time for Fred and Barb. Barb is so talented with the flowers. They are beautiful.
Jim is still just adorable, sweet, kind, loving husband that he is. He works too much, but is home each evening and I love it. He cooks supper and I clean up. Thank goodness because he is a much, much better cook than I.
Well, that pretty much wraps up things in the Oiler family. I'll stop rambling for now. More later, I'm sure. God bless you!


Jill said...

Glad you're liking your new job. I know what you mean about people not appreciating you.
It's so nice to read about your family's life. I feel like I know you better. :)

Blessed Be Off the Grid said...

Where do you work now? I'm so happy you like your new job;-) Congrats!