Sunday, April 5, 2009

Visit with Morgan

Morgan came home for Spring Break! She called me in the am on Wed. and she was sick. Told her to go to the doctor and call me back. She went to the doctor and got some meds and when she called me back I was begging her not to go to Florida on Spring Break but to come home so that she could finish her meds and rest. After she stated that she really wanted to go to the beach, and me whining that I'd rather she came home, she said "I can't lie to you anymore". Talk about your heart hitting the floor. Anyway, to make a long story short, she was planning on coming home all along! Her Dad was in on it. Maci knew about it. Molli had the plan. I was out of the loop. It was a surprise for me! I was so excited. I was already scheduled for minor surgery on Monday, so I'd get to be home with her for a few days. Jim went to pick her up on Friday morning, leaving home at about 5:30am. I went to work, and Maci was scheduled to go to a Purity Retreat in Cowen leaving from Gassaway at about 7pm. When I got off work at 5pm, Mom and I headed to Gassaway with Maci. The Retreat is a wonderful thing that Gassaway Baptist Church does. After the weekend retreat in Cowen, Jim, Morgan, and myself headed back to Gassaway on Sunday morning for church (that is our old, home church and we LOVE the people there). This is a picture of Maci receiving her pearl necklace from Jim. The necklace is a symbol of purity for Maci to wear until she gets married. This is a picture of Morgan and her very best friend since she was one year old....Ryan Rexroad. These two were inseparable from the time they met. I used to babysit him when he was just a little thing. We moved away from Gassaway when Morgan and Ryan were in the sixth grade, but when we go back and visit, Ryan goes out to eat with us after church on Sundays.
While Morgan was home, we got to visit alot. My surgery didn't go as I had planned, so I was off work a couple longer days that I got to visit with her. We went shopping one day and ate at her choice of restaurants. We took a day and took pictures of the girls and Tyler (for Easter, I'll be posting those later). Her friends came over a couple of times. I just so enjoyed having her here. Below is a picture of Maci, Jim, and Morgan ready to travel back to TN on Sunday. They left here at about 6am. It is always so sad to see her leave again. It's easier for me to send her off with her Dad than to pull away and leave her in TN. Her waving as we pull away and Jim and I crying. Hopefully, she'll be back for Easter.

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