Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not again......What is the Deal?

Yes again! The deal is that we got an incredibly, huge, accumulation of snow. 5 1/2 inches to be exact and still coming down, with ice underneath. I'm staying home! I got up at 4:30am with Jim and checked wsaz.com for school closings, and Maci was staying in bed. No school for her! I got ready, warmed the car, got in, texted Carolyn so that someone would know where I was if something unfortunate happened, and headed out. Down the driveway - fine. On to the road - fine. Well, it's dark, it's snowing HARD, and I can't tell where the road is. This is NOT fine. I stopped in the middle of the road (not very far at all from the driveway), called Carolyn and stated the facts. She, of course, said GO BACK. So, that's exactly what I did. Turned around right there in the road, someones driveway, I'm not even sure, but I did get turned around. Back down the road - fine. Turn in to my driveway - fine. Pull back in to my parking place - fine. I'm waiting till it's daylight. Molli just started a new job (actually, it's her second day) in Ravenswood and feels like she has to go so Tyler is taking her. Thought a little about having Tyler drop me off at work. But couldn't forget the December mishap. Also, it is supposed to get worse as the day goes on and Maci is at home so I decided not to go to work at all because what if we couldn't get back home tonight to Maci. I'd have to walk home - no way I'm leaving her home overnight by herself. So here I am, posting on my blog. Thought you might enjoy some pictures of the snow. Yip, that's 5 1/2 inches!

FYI - Jim made it to work in Putnam County fine. Molli and Tyler made it to Ravenswood fine. I made it back to bed for a while, then drinking some hot chocolate and visiting with Maci - just perfectly fine if you ask me. We're going to do manicures and pedicures, watch a movie, and then she thinks that we're going sleigh riding. Well, we will see about that.

1 comment:

CaSandra said...

I think I'm going to pack our bags and START WALKING!

What I would do for some fresh nail polish! I've not had a pedi since Kensley was born... yes... SIX MONTHS!