Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Christmas Decorating Project

I have sent out Christmas picture postcards of either the girls or the whole family since 1998. Before that time, when there was just Molli and Morgan, Granny had sent out cards a couple of times to her friends with just their pictures on it, but I don't have any of those. Also, when Dad unexpectedly passed away in 2006, I just didn't have it left in me to send the cards. Partly because Maci always wrote a Christmas letter with them, and I just didn't know what to allow her to say in the letter. Well, anyway, beginning this year I decided to send the cards again, but Maci refused to write the letter. Everyone really looked forward to her letters because they were hilarious and very, very, truthful (out of the mouths of babes). Anyway, these cards were just in a file and I wanted to display them, but didn't know how. I thought of this idea with the cards strung on string over the fireplace. The cards are attached with clothes pins hidden with Christmas themed cutouts with the year attached. Molli and Tyler drug out all of our scrap booking supplies (in Morgan's purple room) and began designing, cutting, and gluing. I think that they did a great job. Thanks guys!

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