Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day Countdown - Day 11

 This cute little face, in this paper heart, was a craft project that Maci made, in church, one Valentine's Day!  Isn't she just the cutest?

On to today's happenings......I went to work today and when I came home guess what had come in the mail?  More Valentine's Day cards, and.......
 Camp Cowen information!  Maci will be thrilled!!!!  Morgan went to Camp Cowen every year for 13 years (the last year as staff), and some years she went more than once.  Maci had gone to Camp Cowen every year for eight years (and some years for more than one camp), but last year was not able to go.  There were many, many tears shed throughout the summer.  She had band camp/practice the week that was her camp and the camp that all her friends would be attending.  But, this year, she is hoping to go as a counselor so she doesn't just have the option of attending for one particular week.  I am sure that the schedule will be closely studied, filled out, check written, and mailed in very soon.
 Also, Molli, Tyler, and Gidgy Goo came over this evening.  She has on her personalized Valentine's Day collar.
On another note, furnace repairman, Sam was here this evening.  It's not fixed yet, but closer than before.  And, Jim has the house all warm and toasty with the fireplace and kerosene heater.    So happy it's the weekend!

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.  2 Timothy 1:7

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