Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day Countdown - Day 9

These are the most delicious iced, sugar cookies in the world!  One year, many years ago, my Grandma Ruth made these cookies for her grandchildren for Valentine's Day.  I was old enough to be able to make them myself, so I don't remember exactly how old I was, but Fred and I loved them!  Since then, I've made them heart shaped for Valentine's Day, stars for the 4th of July, Christmas trees for Christmas, eggs, chicks, crosses and ducks for Easter, bats and ghosts for Halloween, snowflakes for Winter, leaves for Fall, the state of WV to mail to Morgan in Tennessee, the number 100 for the kids 100 day parties in Kindergarten, and the kids and their friends names with my letter cookie cutters.  These are Morgan's all time favorite snacks and she asks for them repeatedly.  I always say that when I icing them, it is my therapy - Ha!  Anyway, this is the first batch for Valentine's Day this year, and I'm going to have to make another batch or two before Monday gets here!

On to today's happenings........Two bummers.  One, I came home from work early because I don't feel well.  Have had a headache for three days in a row and my head is congested.  My nose is running, and I'm sneezing like crazy.  The bed sure felt comfy and warm this afternoon.  Number two, our furnace is on the fritz....big bummer!  Jim is working on it with Sam on speaker phone - ha!  Hopefully it is fixed soon and we stay warm.  Not too worried....have a fire place and a kerosene heater as backup.  If all else fails, I'll leave the stove on and dry lots of laundry - Ha!

And this is my prayer:  that your love may aboud more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,   Philippians 1:9


Jan said...

I remember when you sent me sugar cookies at college. I bet this was the recipe!

Lucinda said...

I'm sure that it was Jan. These are so simple, but so good. These are the only ones that I ever make (except the occassional slice and bake - Ha!).