Thursday, February 3, 2011

Valentine's Day Countdown - Day 3

This pictures was taken on February 11, 1995 at the Gassaway Baptist Church Sweetheart Dinner.  Some of my friends and I got together and made all these frames, and when you arrived at the dinner, someone took your picture with a polaroid camera and inserted it in the frame, so that you could take it home with you that evening.  The sweetheart dinner is held each year for Valentine's Day and the men prepare the food for the women.  It was for adults only, which meant that we had to get a babysitter (I am sure that it was my Dad and Mom) for the three girls.  I remember, one year I was sick, and Jim went anyway to help prepare the food.  When it was time to eat, he had planned on coming home, but then an elderly couple made him sit with them and eat.  He still brings that up from time to time.  He even remembers what the entertainment was that night.   
We attended this dinner every year that we possible could while we lived in Gassaway.
Again, all I can really say is....Wow!

On to today's happenings......Maci is in Charleston practicing and preparing to sing at the Clay Center.  She was chosen to be a member of the All State Chamber Choir.  It has been a long week!  Gidget is feeling much better.  Morgan has a drawing in downtown TN, which everyone gets to see, and I asked her to please send me a picture of it, and she said.....Nah. 
I'm dying to get to see that drawing.  I hear that it is very good. 
There is an individual that my heart is breaking for tonight.  She was not raised in a loving home.  Did not have parents that looked after her nor took care of her.  The did not protect her.  She is close the same age as our older girls.  But, her life is very, very different.  My only condolence is that I know she attended church as a child where we went when our children were young.  My prayer is that something, anything, that someone did to reach out to this child caused her to believe in Jesus and to accept his grace and mercy.  That is the only way that her life can be tolerable and that she will one day live like she has never lived before.  Free and loved.

If you love me, you will obey what I command.  John 14:15

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