Friday, February 4, 2011

Valentine's Day Countdown - Day 4

1983 Sweetheart Ball
Ripley High School

This is how it all began....I don't know why it took me so long to realize who the cutest and smartest guy at RHS was.  Once I realized it, it didn't take me long to make a move.  I asked Jim to the Sweetheart Ball which was held around Valentine's Day(that is the way it worked, the girls asked the guys - I promise).  This actually wasn't our first date though, because after I asked him to the dance, he asked me on a date to a RHS basketball game.  I said yes.  Then he asked me on a date to go to the movies to see 48 Hours.  I said yes.  Then was the Sweetheart Ball. The rest is a love story that continues.....

This dress I saw in Teen magazine and loved it.  I can't remember where I got the dress though.  The Town Center wasn't there and we never went to Parkersburg shopping.  We shopped downtown Charleston, in and out of little specialty shops, and to Stone and Thomas.  I just remember how excited I was to be able to find the dress I wanted and to be able to get it.   Before the dance, we ate at Shoney's.  I do know that the dress did not cost in the hundreds of dollars, nor did we drive out of town to eat at a high priced, fancy restaurant, nor did we rent a limousine to get to the dance, nor did I have my nails and hair done professionally.  But, I DO know that I had a very good time and am very, very glad I asked Jim to the dance!

On to today's happenings........Morgan called today to thank me for the package.  I love to hear her voice.  She was in studio making a gigantic Spirograph out of PVC pipes.  I hope that I get to see the finished project.  I asked her again to see a picture of the drawing that is downtown and she again said Nah!  I told her that it wasn't fair that another students parent got to see it and she said....the other student's parent came to TN.  Ouch!  I really do wish that I could go and visit her more.  Maci is still in Charleston practicing for the performance at the Clay Center.  Molli went to eat with Jim and I this evening at Fat Albert's.  Tyler is skiing. 
I'm so glad the weekend is here!

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love.  John 15:9

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